RSNA 2009 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2009


FDG-PET-CT Mapping of BAT in Children with Neoplasms

Scientific Posters

Presented on December 3, 2009
Presented as part of LL-PD-R: Pediatric


Akm Moinul Hossain MBBS, PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Charles B Chism, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Shengjie Wu MS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Xiaoping Xiong PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Barry L. Shulkin MD, MBA, Abstract Co-Author: Consultant, General Electric Company


To describe the incidence, distribution, demographics and seasonal variation of FDG uptake in metabolically active fat (brown adipose tissue – BAT) in children with neoplastic diseases.


604 FDG PET CT scans in 314 patients with known or suspected neoplasms (age range 2 months to 27.6 years; median age 14.6; 178 boys and 136 girls) in a calendar year were reviewed. 169 patients underwent a single study, and 145 2 or more studies. Images were analyzed by 2 reviewers both qualitatively and semiquantitatively. Uptake in BAT was compared with liver: 0=no uptake, 1= uptake less than liver, 2= uptake same as liver, 3= uptake greater than liver. The following regions were analyzed: right and left neck, right and left axilla, mediastinum, posterior thorax/costovertebral, diaphragm, abdomen-pelvis. Ages were divided into quartiles: I = < 8.5 yrs; II = 8.5 to 14.9; III = 14.9 to18.6; IV = >18.6.


Approximately 25% of studies showed BAT. In terms of regions that were positive: Quartile I: 6.9%; Quartile 2: 19.8%; Quartile 3: 14.1%; Quartile 4: 9.0%. BAT uptake was slightly less in summer than in other months (supporting data). Below shows the regional incidence and location of BAT.  Location and percent of scans positive: Rt.neck (24.1%); Lt.neck (24.1%); Rt. axilla (12.2 %); Lt. axilla (12.2%); Mediastinum (10.7%); Posterior thorax (10.9%); Diaphragm (3.8%); Abdomino pelvis (1.5%).  


Uptake in BAT in children, teenagers, and young adults is common. It is usually symmetric and present in nearly 25% of patients. Preventive measures may be warranted. Research support: supported by funding from the American Lebanese Syrian Affiliated Charities


BAT occurs more frequently in the pediatric population, than previously described. 

Cite This Abstract

Hossain, A, Chism, C, Wu, S, Xiong, X, Shulkin, B, FDG-PET-CT Mapping of BAT in Children with Neoplasms.  Radiological Society of North America 2009 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2009 ,Chicago IL.