RSNA 2007 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2007


Texture Analysis of DMSA Renal Scintigraphy in Diagnosis of Pyelonephritis

Scientific Posters

Presented on November 26, 2007
Presented as part of LL-PD-D: Pediatric (Abdomen)


Kyung Hoon Hwang MD, PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Hyung-Ji Lee PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Jung-Chul Lee, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Duck-Joo Choi MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Wonsick Choe MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


DMSA renal scan has been used to evaluate renal parenchymal lesions such as pyelonephritis. However, it is frequently difficult to differentiate pelvocalyectatic defects from true cortical defects. We investigated whether DMSA renal scan images could be analyzed effectively by computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tool such as fractal texture analysis.


We retrospectively reanalyzed 35 DMSA renal scan images (12 normal kidneys, 11 kidneys with pelvocalyectatic cortical defects and 12 kidneys with true cortical defects). The kidneys on DMSA renal scan images were segmented by Osthuthreshold technique and the texture analysis was done using fractal texture analysis tool (Image-J). The values from texture analysis were compared between three groups using student’s t-test.


The kidney images with true cortical defect showed higher fractal texture values than those of normal or pelvocalyectatic kidneys, but it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in fractal texture values between normal and pelvocalyectatic kidneys.


Although the number of images studied is limited, the fractal texture analysis may be helpful to differentiate pelvocalyectatic defects from true defects. However, further studies including more cases are needed.


Texture Analysis of DMSA renal scintigraphy may be helpful in accuate diagnosis of pyelonephritis

Cite This Abstract

Hwang, K, Lee, H, Lee, J, Choi, D, Choe, W, Texture Analysis of DMSA Renal Scintigraphy in Diagnosis of Pyelonephritis.  Radiological Society of North America 2007 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2007 ,Chicago IL.