RSNA 2007 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2007


A Pictorial Review of Classic Dermatologic Manifestations of Musculoskeletal Diseases

Education Exhibits

Presented on November 29, 2007


Bahar Dasgeb MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Michael E. Mulligan MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Eliot Lawrence Siegel MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


Skin, cartilage and bone share a close embryonic origin. Dermatological manifestations of musculoskeletal diseases are relatively common and can provide important insight into the differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases. Radiologists typically have limited exposure to training in dermatology. The purpose of this educational exhibit is to help radiologists in the differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases in patients who also manifest skin abnormalities.


Dermatological diseases found in patients with musculoskeletal disorders can be divided into 7 groups (pigmented, vascular, inflammatory /autoimmune, infectious, oncologic, adnexal, and miscellaneous). Examples of pigmented (such as neurofibromatosis), vascular (Garham strout disorder), inflammatory (psoriatic arthritis), infectious (TB), oncologic (mastocytosis), and adnexal (nail patella syndrome) and miscellaneous (such as keratoacanthoma) are discussed and clinical pictures, histopathological slides, and multimodality (i.e. radiography, CT, & MRI) images will be provided for correlation.


Dermatological manifestations in musculoskeletal disorders provide valuable insights into the differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal findings shared by various skin disorders.


Clinical information about associated skin disorders can be very helpful in the initial diagnosis and follow up of patients who have musculoskeletal disorders. This can be very useful to radiologists as well.


This exhibit will provide important information/review for radiology residents studying for boards as well as practical information for practicing radiologists to narrow differential diagnosis.

Cite This Abstract

Dasgeb, B, Mulligan, M, Siegel, E, A Pictorial Review of Classic Dermatologic Manifestations of Musculoskeletal Diseases.  Radiological Society of North America 2007 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2007 ,Chicago IL.