1. Review the spectrum and clinical presentations of pelvic floor disorders in women 2. Describe the role of MR in imaging pelvic floor disorders with emphasis on indications, grading systems, and pathologic findings 3. Review the role of MR in combination with other clinical parameters in treatment planning
Female pelvic floor disorders are increasingly common and generally poorly understood. The spectrum of pelvic floor disorders can seem complex and includes pelvic floor laxity and organ based abnormalities such as rectoceles, cystoceles, and enteroceles. Effective diagnosis and therapy depend on many factors including MR imaging, which enables excellent, multiplanar static and dynamic evaluation of the pelvic floor anatomy. In this exhibit, we will leverage our extensive experience as a referral center for pelvic floor disorders and illustrate the role of MR in depicting pelvic floor anatomy and a range of pathologies. We will also emphasize the role of MR imaging in the multi-disciplinary approach involving urologists and radiologists to the diagnosis and ultimately treatment planning of these complex disorders.
Boyadzhyan, L,
Raman, S,
Raz, S,
Female Pelvic Floor Disorders: Role of MR Imaging in Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. Radiological Society of North America 2005 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 27 - December 2, 2005 ,Chicago IL.