Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2005
Mitsuru Matsuki MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Hiroyuki Kani, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Masato Tanikake, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Fuminari Tatsugami, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Isamu Narabayashi, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Yuki Inada, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
To assess the usefulness of diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging in the distinguishing the benign and malignant uterine tumors and in evaluating the malignant uterine tumors on DW images
10 normal volunteers and 40 patients with known uterine lesions (18 myoma, 7 adenomyosis, 8 endometrial cancer, 7 cervical cancer) underwent MRI by using a 1.5T superconductive magnet. Axial T1- and fat suppressed axial and sagittal FSE T2- weighted images were acquired in each patient. DW images were obtained in axial plane under free breathing scanning with an SE EPI single shot sequence using a body coil or phase array multi-coil (TR/TE=7500/64ms, BW 142.86kHZ, FOV 48cm, slice 5-6mm, spacing 0mm, matrix 128×128, excitations 4-7, fat suppression: CHESS or STIR, ASSET reconstruction algorithm(±)) with b value of 800s/mm2. The ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) was measured in an ROI within the normal endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa, stroma and uterine lesions.
ADC values (×10-3 mm2/s) in normal endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa and stroma are 1.43±0.20, 1.34±0.31, 1.83±0.15, 1.59±0.22. ADC values in myoma and adenomyosis are 1.19±0.20 and 1.05±0.14, which showed no significant differences compared to the endometrium and myometrium. While, ADC values in uterine endometrial cancer and cervical cancer were 0.93±0.09 and 0.83±0.06, which were lower with significant differences compared to the endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa, stroma and benign lesions. On DW images, all of the malignant uterine tumors and pelvic lymph nodes showed simultaneously high signal intensity under background suppression. Moreover, high resolution Maximum intensity projection and multi-planar reconstruction could be made from the data set of 5 mm slice thickness, which was useful in evaluating the extent of malignant tumor and the distribution of lymph nodes.
ADC value seems to be an effective parameter in distinguishing between benign and malignant uterine tumors. Moreover, DW images show the uterine malignant tumors and pelvic lymph nodes with high contrast and can be useful in the evaluation of T- and N- stage of those tumors.
To assess the usefulness of diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging in the distinguishing the benign and malignant uterine tumors and in evaluating the malignant uterine tumors on DW images
10 normal volunteers and 40 patients with known uterine lesions (18 myoma, 7 adenomyosis, 8 endometrial cancer, 7 cervical cancer) underwent MRI by using a 1.5T superconductive magnet. Axial T1- and fat suppressed axial and sagittal FSE T2- weighted images were acquired in each patient. DW images were obtained in axial plane under free breathing scanning with an SE EPI single shot sequence using a body coil or phase array multi-coil (TR/TE=7500/64ms, BW 142.86kHZ, FOV 48cm, slice 5-6mm, spacing 0mm, matrix 128×128, excitations 4-7, fat suppression: CHESS or STIR, ASSET reconstruction algorithm(±)) with b value of 800s/mm2. The ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) was measured in an ROI within the normal endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa, stroma and uterine lesions.
ADC values (×10-3 mm2/s) in normal endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa and stroma are 1.43±0.20, 1.34±0.31, 1.83±0.15, 1.59±0.22. ADC values in myoma and adenomyosis are 1.19±0.20 and 1.05±0.14, which showed no significant differences compared to the endometrium and myometrium. While, ADC values in uterine endometrial cancer and cervical cancer were 0.93±0.09 and 0.83±0.06, which were lower with significant differences compared to the endometrium, myometrium, cervical mucosa, stroma and benign lesions. On DW images, all of the malignant uterine tumors and pelvic lymph nodes showed simultaneously high signal intensity under background suppression. Moreover, high resolution Maximum intensity projection and multi-planar reconstruction could be made from the data set of 5 mm slice thickness, which was useful in evaluating the extent of malignant tumor and the distribution of lymph nodes.
ADC value seems to be an effective parameter in distinguishing between benign and malignant uterine tumors. Moreover, DW images show the uterine malignant tumors and pelvic lymph nodes with high contrast and can be useful in the evaluation of T- and N- stage of those tumors.
Matsuki, M,
Kani, H,
Tanikake, M,
Tatsugami, F,
Narabayashi, I,
Inada, Y,
Usefulness of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Uterine Lesions. Radiological Society of North America 2005 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 27 - December 2, 2005 ,Chicago IL.