RSNA 2004 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2004


Health Services, Policy and Research (Practice Management and Policies)

Scientific Papers — Management / Informatics / Health Policy,

Presented on December 1, 2004


N. Reed Dunnick MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
William T. Thorwarth MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


SSK23-01     Understanding the Humanistic Interaction with Medical Imaging Technology
Frederick Murphy PhD

SSK23-02     The Merging of Technology and Practice: A Survey of PET/CT Technologists to Determine Which CT-only Scans Are Performed on Fusion Scanners
Dianne Georgian-Smith MD | Sandra Neustel PhD

SSK23-03     Is Cranial CT Reporting by Radiographers a Feasible Option to Assist Radiologist Workload and Provide a Route for Radiographer Role Extension?
Barry Carver

SSK23-04     Repeat Ordering of Exams: A Significant Factor in the Growing Volume of High Cost Imaging Studies?
Peter Hahn MD | James Thrall MD | Susanna Lee MD, PhD | Anuradha Saokar MBBS | Jeffrey Weilburg MD

SSK23-05     Preauthorization of CT and MRI Examinations: Assessment of a Managed Care Program Based on the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Guidelines
Arye Blachar MD | Sigal Tal MD | Anat Mandel | Yehuda Fridman MD | Larisa Goranda MD | Laurian Copel MD | Meir Raz | Gabriel Polak MD | Joshua Shemer | et al

SSK23-06     Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE): Do Physicians Exceed Minimum Data Entry Requirements for Radiology Ordering in a Busy Emergency Department?
Ramin Khorasani MD | Richard Hanson | M. Ledbetter MD | Richard Griffey

SSK23-07     The Causes of Malpractice Suits in Radiology: The Contemporary Records of 5300 Radiologists
Stephen Baker MD | Shantie Harkisoon MD

SSK23-08     Barriers to the Advancement of Radiologists of South Asian Ethnicity in the United States
Stephen Baker MD | Humaira Chaudhry BS | Maureen Barry MS, MD

SSK23-09     Developing Effective Marketing Strategies for Academic Center Imaging Services: Survival in the For-Profit World
William Mayo-Smith MD | John Pezzullo MD | Jeffrey Rogg MD | Gerald Abbott MD

Cite This Abstract

Dunnick, N, Thorwarth, W, Health Services, Policy and Research (Practice Management and Policies).  Radiological Society of North America 2004 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2004 ,Chicago IL.