RSNA 2019

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2019


Analysis of the Preoperative Axillary Ultrasound in 685 Women with T1 Breast Cancer: Can We Move Away from Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Women with Early Breast Cancer?

Wednesday, Dec. 4 11:30AM - 11:40AM Room: E450A

Anna Rotili, MD, Milan, Italy (Presenter) Nothing to Disclose
Filippo Pesapane, MD, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Silvia Penco, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Maria Pizzamiglio, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Brunella Di Nubila, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Enrico Cassano, Milano, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Daniela Lepanto, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Giuseppe Viale, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Viviana Galimberti, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Paolo Veronesi, Milan, Italy (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose

For information about this presentation, contact:


The involvement of axillary lymph nodes is critical for appropriate treatment of breast cancer, and its evaluation is currently a hot topic of controversy across breast units. We aim to evaluate the negative predictive value (NPV) and specificity of axillary ultrasound (AUS) in the exclusion of metastatic axillary lymph node in study participants with early breast cancer.


Preoperative AUS was performed in women with T1 breast cancer, enrolled in our Institute, as a part of a multicenter randomized prospective trial. NPV and specificity were calculated for different histologic groups: all histologic evidence of tumor including micrometastases and isolated tumoral cells (ITC), then only those with metastases, and next only those with metastases >3 mm.


Preoperative AUS in 685 consecutive study participants (mean age: 49±10 years) resulted in 33/685 (4.8%) of false positive and 53/343 (15.5%) of false negative, which is reduced to 28/343 (8.1%) excluding ITC and micrometastases and to 17/343 (4.9%) considering only metastases >3 mm. Overall NPV was 597/650 (92%, 95%CI, 90-94%) including all cases of positivity to histopathological examination. Excluding ITC and micrometastases, the NPV was 620/650 (95%%, 95%CI, 94-97%). Finally, including metastases that can be detected by AUS (namely, metastases >3 mm) alone, the NPV was 628/650 (97%, 95%CI, 95-98%). Specificity of AUS in our population was 628/685 (95%, 95%CI, 93-97%).


Our results show that in women with early breast cancer, the AUS may represent an effective, non-invasive diagnostic tool for axillary staging. Considering the high NPV and specificity, AUS allows to select those women who could benefit from observation alone as a treatment approach.


Currently, the oncological community moves away from sentinel lymph nodes biopsy and our results confirmed the role of AUS as a non-invasive, low-cost, easily available and accurate modality for preoperative staging of the axilla, in women with early breast cancer.

Printed on: 03/01/22