RSNA 2018

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2018


Role of Image Quality in Visual and Computational Perception

Wednesday, Nov. 28 8:30AM - 10:00AM Room: S103AB

Justin B. Solomon, PhD, Durham, NC (Presenter) License agreement, Sun Nuclear Corporation; License agreement, 12 Sigma Technologies
Ehsan Samei, PhD, Durham, NC (Presenter) Research Grant, General Electric Company; Research Grant, Siemens AG; Advisory Board, medInt Holdings, LLC; License agreement, 12 Sigma Technologies; License agreement, Gammex, Inc

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1) Define image quality and its most common metrics. 2) Present the impact of image resolution on diagnostics performance. 3) Present the impact of image noise and dose on diagnostic performance.


This talk will define basic image quality concepts such as resolution, contrast, and noise, and describe how such concepts are measured and quantified in medical images. Further, the impact of resolution, contrast, and noise on human interpretation of medical images will be discussed. Examples will be mostly focused on CT but the concepts are applicable to any modality. A special focus will be given to the relationship between the detectability of low-contrast image features and radiation dose in CT.