Pulmonary venous infarction, a rare condition, is a difficult clinical and radiographic diagnosis with dismal outcome if left untreated. It is essential for the radiologist to recognize this pattern of infarction and to be able to differentiate it from more commonly observed pulmonary arterial infarction. After reviewing this presentation, participants will be able to:1. Understand pulmonary venous anatomy.2. Learn about etiologies of pulmonary venous infarction in different clinical settings.3. Recognize imaging features of pulmonary venous infarction.4. Learn about diagnostic work up for confirmation of pulmonary venous infarction and available treatment options.
TABLE OF CONTENTS/OUTLINE1. Normal pulmonary venous anatomy and variants.2. Etiologies of pulmonary venous infarction.3. Imaging feature of pulmonary venous infarction and diagnostic pitfall.4. Discuss four cases of pulmonary venous infarction and review their imaging findings.5. Discuss diagnostic workup and potential treatment options for pulmonary venous infarction.