RSNA 2016

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2016


Dose Optimisation in CT

Tuesday, Nov. 29 10:30AM - 12:00PM Room: S105AB

Yifang Zhou, PhD, Los Angeles, CA (Presenter) Nothing to Disclose

1) Understand the CT dose concept and the need to minimize unnecessary radiation. 2) Understand the technical factors affecting CT dose and image quality. 3) Understand the special need to minimize the pediatric dose. 4) Learn the methods to optimize CT dose following the principle of ALARA.


This lecture will discuss technical factors affecting CT dose and image quality and demonstrate the practical methods for CT dose optimization using phantoms. The cases include chest, abdomen, elbow and brain CT. Pediatric dose reduction is discussed in the context of consistent image quality. Possible pitfalls and misunderstanding on dose reduction are addressed.